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Debate Open Thread, I Guess?



So this is happening again, apparently. I the meantime, enjoy Pierce on Bush-endorsing Senator Kelly Ayotte, who in the immediate aftermath of the surfacing of the “grab them by the pussy” tape continued to support Trump, and then finally bailed overnight:

Let’s begin by sympathizing with poor Senator Kelly Ayotte, Republican of New Hampshire. She was just getting partly past the gaffe in which she called Donald Trump a “role model.” But then came the electronic Reynolds Letter courtesy of Billy Bush and NBC, and now the Metternich of Manchester has to back and fill like she’s digging the Erie Canal. On Saturday, while the wildfire was still raging, Ayotte decided that she can’t…stands…no…more. Tiger Beat On The Potomac plumbs her political psyche for vestigial signs of sense.


So, disgusted by the presidential nominee of her party, Senator Ayotte—she of the soft-focus ads in which she talks earnestly about protecting women’s health and birth control—will write in the name of a man who once insisted on adding “forcible” to the word “rape” in a bill, who signed a bill mandating that women who have miscarriages hold funerals for their lost children, and who was the original guiding force behind the spurious campaign to defund Planned Parenthood. This makes Kelly Ayotte look ridiculous.

I’m sure she will have plenty of free time to ponder her decision-making starting next January.

It seems worth noting at this point that Ayotte and the 14 other members of the Republican conference who are theoretically not supporting Trump are still keeping a Supreme Court seat cold for him.

And, finally, know that however got the takes get here, they will never be hotter than the Dilbert guy’s.

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