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Ronald Reagan Shoe Porn & More!

  • Shakezula reminded me about this fun story about the DC Metro system. It’s funny because it’s true: literally every moment I’m awake I’m thinking about shoes and wanting to share the gospel of shoes with anyone in yelling distance. Sometimes I just yell at random strangers that I’m particularly fond of wedges. And people don’t think that’s strange, because I’m a woman.
  • Origami Isopod sent me a link to a story about a guy who wonders about the need for libraries in our e-book and Google world. I actually don’t find that nearly as interesting as the other link she sent me, which is, essentially, a list of the things people use libraries for. It was extremely enlightening. I feel dumb for having wondered about the fate of libraries myself. I guess libraries aren’t going anywhere…and that’s a great thing.
  • This entry at BJ caught my attention, because it’s all about the bizarre way wingnuts love the image of people, the idea of them, more than actual people (or principles). Sarah Palin is starbursty. George W. Bush is awesome because he’s wearing a flight suit. Ronald Reagan has a really nice…foot. These folks fetishize the weirdest things, and place so much stock in appearances and symbolism and a sort of loud smarm. It really is sick and weird.
  • Thomas Knight bravely acknowledges something that I’ve known for ages: that ginger men are hot. No, seriously. We tend to fetishize redheaded women, while completely ignoring redheaded men. That is just nucking futz.
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