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It would be challenging to find a Democratic Party figure I loathe more than Larry Summers. There are so many reasons. Here’s one more:

Prior to joining the Obama administration as the director of the White House National Economic Council, Larry Summers faced a barrage of criticism after it was exposed that he received hundreds of thousands of dollars from major banks for a series of speeches he gave in in 2008. Despite this conflict of interest, the administration expressed full confidence in Summers’ role as a chief economic adviser to President Obama, telling the public that he was primarily interested in crafting economic policies that help “families across America.”

Summers has since left the administration, and is once again on the corporate speaking circuit. Last June, he appeared at the 2011 World BPO/ITO (Business Process Outsourcing/Information Technology Outsourcing) Forum, which took place in Jersey City, New Jersey. The Forum featured participation, attendance, and/or lectures from executives from many of the world’s top corporations — including AT&T, Pfizer, Coca Cola, Home Depot, and Morgan Stanley — in a number of meetings and presentations about outsourcing labor services.


With the unemployment rate at 9.4 percent, Summers compared critics of the outsourcing of American jobs to “luddites who took axes to machinery early in England’s industrial revolution.” Unfortunately, the full of text of Summers’ remarks is mysteriously missing from the website — particularly odd given the fact that most of the other keynotes are posted online.

Of course, Summers doesn’t understand what the Luddites actually believed in any more than the average person on the street, but that’s hardly surprising. Equally unsurprising is his pompous dismissal of the United States’ millions of unemployed people who might hesitate at a global labor policy that has enriched the world’s 0.1% at the expense of the rest of us.

But I’ll tell you, it sure is inspiring to have a man with views so sympathetic to working-class people as the head of President Obama’s White House National Economic Council. If Summers does get appointed to head the World Bank, well, for working-class Americans happy days are here again! And the world too, since this is a man who once signed a memo saying “I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest-wage country is impeccable and we should face up to that.” Your 2012 Democratic Party!!!!

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