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It’s the Cover-Up


This could be inferred from Barr’s unwillingness to mention it, but the Mueller Report is more than 300 pages long:

The still-secret report on Russian interference in the 2016 election submitted by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, last week was more than 300 pages long, according to the Justice Department, a length that raises new questions about Attorney General William P. Barr’s four-page summary.

Mr. Barr wrote to Congress on Sunday offering what he called the “principal conclusions” of the report — including that Mr. Mueller had not found that the Trump campaign had taken part in a conspiracy to undermine the election. But he had notably declined to publicly disclose its length.

The total of 300-plus pages suggests that Mr. Mueller went well beyond the kind of bare-bones summary required by the Justice Department regulation governing his appointment and detailed his conclusions at length. And it raises questions about what Mr. Barr might have left out of the four dense pages he sent Congress.

Democrats, who like all other lawmakers have not seen the report, have all but accused Mr. Barr of covering up damaging information it contains. They have specifically focused on an apparent difference between the views of Mr. Barr and Mr. Mueller on whether Mr. Trump obstructed justice. Democrats have demanded that the attorney general make the full report and evidence public.

Still, I’d have to say that if Donald Trump’s hand-selected hatchet man and cover-up artist says in a brief, weaselly-worded memo that Mueller’s report has nothing on Donald Trump then it’s pretty much case closed. And surely the fact that Republicans don’t want this lengthy report that 100% exonerates Donald Trump released to the public makes it even more likely that there’s no there there.

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