wingnut butchery of history
The best reaction I've seen to Michele Bachman's undilutedly stupid musings on the "Hoot-Smalley" tariff:I hope she makes history lessons a regular part of her work in the House. I.
Because having a second child has produced an unanticipated multiplier effect on the amount of time required to complete a variety of non-blogging-related tasks, I missed this spot of weirdness.
Steve Benen wonders if Roger Ailes is picking the wrong analogy by comparing Fox News -- and Glenn Beck's program more specifically -- to the Alamo. Aside from all the.
Golf claps all around to Amar Bhide:The depressions and panics of the 19th century ended without any fiscal stimulus to speak of...Right. And I suppose we could note that the.
Why oh why does anyone take Amity Shlaes seriously? I mean, gadzooks. She's a terrible economist and an even worse historian. These conditions that are not necessarily related to her.
If you happen to be a confederate apologist like Robert Stacy McCain, about the only lesson you're willing to take away from the Civil War is that collective punishment is.
I appreciate gmack's injunction not to make his head explode by referring to more inane Palin trivia. But I can't let this slide:Are you offended by the phrase “Under God”.
McCain supporters are obviously going to try and run a good distance with the argument that he was somehow "prescient" on the question of Russian power. I'm not quite sure.