Critical writings on Wikileaks always seem to stir the hornet's nest around these parts. So, in that spirit, here's Sue Halperin reviewing a new documentary on Julian Assange, Risk, in the New.
Chelsea Manning's treatment was appalling, but that doesn't mean we have to whitewash the indiscriminate document dump of diplomatic cables that helped turn Wikileaks into a thing. With that out.
Trump's National Security Advisor Michael Flynn resigns after destabilization campaign by US spies, Democrats, press — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) February 14, 2017 Here's the House Intelligence Committee Chairman only hours.
Really. It's like the John Birch Society—if the John Birch Society were a laundering operation for Russian propaganda.
Yglesias completely owned Greenwald here: Yes, they have pulled off a very impressive invasion of a very large number of people's privacy all in pursuit of a really bad cause!.
Interesting story here: On June 25, Chinese officials were confronted with what appears to be the first public legal challenge arising from the Snowden affair. Xie Yanyi, a Beijing-based human.
A few points about Michael Lind's argument here: Even if WikiLeaks is defined as a news organization, American law allows both prior injunctions halting publication of government secrets and prosecutions.
Spencer: State Department representatives didn’t immediately respond to questions about why diplomats need to acquire DNA and other biometric data on foreigners. Clearly, to clone foreign leaders and grow more.