West Virginia
Our personal lord and savior can act in the way he does because what is left of the Democratic voting working class in West Virginia is pretty damn nostalgic about.
The West Virginia energy industry is a gift that truly keeps on giving. This is just ridiculous. In September 2020, West Virginia’s chief utility regulator told the state’s natural gas.
On January 2, 2006, a coal mine near Sago, West Virginia exploded. Thirteen miners were trapped inside and only one of those survived the two days it took to get.
I can see why Appalachian white workers are so hopped up on their Democrat War on Coal signs and bumper stickers. After all, when has the coal industry not paid.
On December 6, 1907 the Monongah Mining Disaster in West Virginia killed at least 362 workers but probably over 500. This remains the most deadly mining disaster in American history..
On April 18, 1912, coal miners along Paint Creek and Cabin Creek in West Virginia went on strike to protest the terrible conditions of their lives. This event served as.
West Virginia teachers, whose strike last spring started the teachers' strike wave of the last year, are back on the picket line thanks to the Republican state legislature seeking its.
West Virginia definitely needs to double down on coal: Each morning Tina Coleman turns her faucet, she waits to see what color the water will be when, or if, it.