war on women
While today's pair of horrible decisions might seem like distinct issues, in fact they are both part of a larger war on women and workers. The absurdity of the Hobby.
Mary Sue McClurkin, a state rep from the fine state of Alabama: Alabama state Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin (R) is pushing legislation that would impose restrictions on abortion clinics --.
Robin Marty with a deeply disturbing piece about the war on birth control. Human Life International (an organization that in fact does not seem to care about actual human life,.
Rhode Island seems like it would be the nation's bluest state. While an former Republican holds the governor's office, Democrats dominate the legislature by a 6-1 margin. But it doesn't.
Say it, Justice Ginsburg. Much more on this travesty imminently. The short version is that Supreme Court has joined the War on Women by combining a "federalist" doctrine that is.