A possible lesson of Terry McAuliffe's win in Virginia is that if the Republicans continue a party of open racism that wants to restrict people of color's voting privileges, it.
The Richmond Daily Dispatch, July 29, 1863, arguing that God would not allow the South to become like Mexico: The convulsion which is to cause a permanent disruption of the.
Barack Obama's second inaugural address: "We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths – that all of us are created equal – is the star that guides.
On this date in 1831, Nat Turner, a slave in Southhampton County, Virginia, led the largest slave revolt in the history of the United States, killing 60 white people before.
Teresa Sullivan has been reinstated as the president of the University of Virginia. This is an unquestionable victory for those of us interested in truly public higher education that is.
Who are these people that ousted Teresa Sullivan? The Post has a nice graphic. Every single member is a businessperson. Including Pat Robertson's son. Not a single seat is reserved.
Oh for the love of god: Both took time to comment on a major donor's e-mail in which he suggested that university leaders study the way Stanford and Harvard Universities,.
Updating yesterday's post that used the firing of Teresa Sullivan, president of the University of Virginia, as a jumping off point for thinking about why we think rich people know.