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Organizing Virginia

In General
On June 11, 2024
As the South changes, the parts that change the most become easier to organize. That's especially true in Virginia. The last time Democrats in the commonwealth had the trifecta, they mostly dropped the ball on labor, as there are still recalcitrant "business-oriented" Democrats who don't...

He Does Look Good in Patagonia

In General
On February 6, 2022
Good job by suburban Virginia voters, who thought this fucking guy was the perfect antidote to CRITICAL RACE THEORY and trying to prevent teachers from dying of Covid. Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s campaign lashed out at a high school student as well as Democrat Ralph...

Cancel Culture!

On November 10, 2021

The good people on the Spotslyvania, Virginia school board are strong believers in freedom of thought: The Spotsylvania County School Board has directed staff to begin removing books that contain.


Hot Takes Abound Today

In General
On November 3, 2021
Of course, every pundit, no matter their political position, finds yesterday's elections reinforces their preconceived view of the Democratic Party. No reality will ever change that. But of course what each election always does is show that my preconceived view of the Democratic Party is...

Down Goes Lee!

On July 10, 2021

Good! Four years after a woman was killed and dozens were injured when white nationalists protested the planned removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Va., workers.

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