No doubt the solution to drug smuggling tunnels between the U.S. and Mexico is higher border walls. And the drones America's favorite racist Sheriff Joe Arapio wants to deploy to catch the brown people.
U.S.-Mexico border
Good that John McCain is so giddy about creating what he calls the most militarized border since the Berlin Wall with the immigration bill. I mean, that turned out pretty.
On August 4, 1942, the United States and Mexico made an agreement to deliver contract Mexican labor to American farmers in order to serve as cheap replacement labor during World.
Jonathan Martin has a pretty good piece at Politico about why the Democratic Party has gone AWOL in the class war. As the Republicans look to return us to the Gilded Age, both Democratic politicians and the grassroots seem unable or unwilling to respond. Occupy...
The Patterson School Spring Crisis Simulation has drawn to a close. The UK School of Journalism set up two sites to support the sim; check them out. This year's sim.
The border fence is such a disaster. Here's yet another example: Flooding caused by a border security fence in southwestern Arizona shows the structure is being built too quickly and.