trump’s america

Thomas Cole, "Destruction," 1836 (from "Course of Empire" series) Rita Konaev has a great piece at the Washington Post on the Trump administration's new policy for international students. If this.
If Only it was this Obvious Tom Pepinski, who wrote a terrific post on the banality of life under soft authoritarian regimes, has a new piece entitled "If American Democracy.
Another day, another hate crime committed by a racist white Trump voter. Kent police are looking for a gunman who allegedly walked onto a man’s driveway and shot him, saying.
White people feel emboldened to kill people of color in Trump's America. A Missouri man is accused of shooting and killing an Indian immigrant engineer he thought was Middle Eastern.
I imagine the lynchings begin soon. A Texas mosque was set on fire just hours after Trump signed an executive order restricting migration from Muslim-majority countries. The Islamic Center of.
Remember when we used to talk about how sometimes Republicans would "say the quiet parts loud" or that "subtext became text" when they would say the racist stuff out loud.
The official journal of the Trump administration is acting as responsibly as ever. A Jewish family has temporarily left its Lancaster County, Pennsylvania home, citing fear of retribution after coming.
The Fuhrer's followers feeling free to attack anyone they identify as the enemy. A man has been arrested on suspicion of committing a hate crime after police say he stabbed.