Tom Friedman
This is a week old now, but worth mentioning. I normally don't much care for media rating systems like Politfact, but when the Washington Post decided to aim its guns.
Ugh, ugh, ugh. President Obama held a private meeting with top national security journalists on Thursday afternoon following his national security policy address at the National Defense University in Washington,.
My contempt for Tom Friedman is without limit. But he nails this column like Luther and a church door. At least until the point where he brings up Michael Bloomberg..
I know that making fun of Friedman is shooting fish in a barrel, but this is pretty great.
Good Christ, it's like some horrible mashup of Lee Siegal and... well, Tom Friedman. For me, the most frightening news in The Times on Sunday was not about North Korea’s.
Since I've said several mean things about him over the years, which I'm sure has kept him up at night, wandering the halls of his wife's 30,000 sq ft mansion,.
Or maybe you don't.Criticizing Tom Friedman columns is like shooting fish in a barrel (btw what does that even mean? I always pictured a barrel full of water with fish.
This column is a few months old, but it's a particularly good example of something illustrated by any number of Thomas Friedman columns, or indeed any amount of free-wheeling high-profile.