The War On (Some Classes of People Who Use Some) Drugs
Hardly surprising that the crack babies "epidemic" in the 1980s was based on poorly designed scientific studies and really was just another tool in white backlash tool box to blame.
I would pay money to watch former Colorado congressman, anti-immigrant racist, and overall jerk Tom Tancredo smoke marijuana. And at least someone is going to have that chance.
I'm not saying an interview on Barbara Walters means a whole lot here, but Obama saying he would not go after Washington and Colorado for legalizing marijuana is a good.
I don't want to make a big deal out of something that really probably isn't, but I do think there is some significance to Bill Clinton declaring the drug war.
Baseball Hall of Fame voting debates are going to be intolerable for the rest of my life. And personally, Curt Schilling saying that cheaters don't deserve to be in is.
I present you Dilbert creator Scott Adams endorsing Mitt Romney--because he believes Romney will be less harsh in prosecuting marijuana usage than Obama. This gets at the inanity of the.
Jill Harris has a nice summary of the Oregon Attorney General race, one of the most interesting and potentially important downticket races this year. Because the Republicans stupidly decided not.
This seems a good time to post this song by the great and utterly unknown songwriter Buddy Tabor, who paints houses in Juneau and writes amazing songs. This is not.