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soviet union

Nicholas Thompson'sThe Hawk and the Dove is an exceptionally readable dual biography of George Kennan and Paul Nitze. George Kennan is, to some, rather an odd dove; he helped formulate the vision of containment that led to NSC-68 and militarized confrontation between the United States...

Spy Games

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On March 29, 2009
This (the claim that the CIA's top spy in Russia in the 1980s was a double) is interesting, but I guess I don't understand why, if Tolkachev were really working for the KGB, he was executed by the Soviets in 1986.

AEF Blog

On November 12, 2008

A correspondent points out this fantastic blog about the American Expeditionary Force Siberia. AEF Siberia was part of the effort by Britain, France, the United States, and Japan to strangle.

Soviet Naval Strategy

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On September 20, 2008
Bob Bateman writes:True, it was once a powerful force, and feared by NATO. But the salient point is why the Soviet Navy was feared. It was not because it could project power far from Russia's shores. That has never been a capability the Soviet fleet...

The Soviet Missile Threat

On September 15, 2008

Pavel Podvig has a fabulous article in the Summer 2008 IS on the development of Soviet nuclear doctrine and force structure in the 1970s:The data presented here demonstrate that concerns.

The Winter War

On August 17, 2008

For some unfathomable reason I was reading the January 2006 issue of Military History today at the gym, and came upon a pretty good article about the Battle of Suomussalmi,.

Angry Old Man Outlives Soviet Union

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On August 4, 2008
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, fair to say one of the most important voices of the 20th century, has passed. ...Trend: I was a little bothered by the obit's line that read "[his books] inspired millions, perhaps, with the knowledge that one person's courage and integrity could, in...
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