san francisco
Why would I put up footage of the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition, which was a world's fair held in San Francisco, celebrating both the rebirth of the city after the.
Almost all of our cities are built on top of prexisting waterways that now "flow" under our feet and roads. The water is still largely there but it's subsumed in.
I know I am supposed to be all doom and gloom all the time. But that's only true 99% of the time. Sometimes there are victories. Such as the concession workers for the San Francisco Giants who just ratified their first contract with 98% of...
Victims of the San Francisco earthquake, 1906.
So I had my evening in San Francisco tonight (thanks for the suggestions by the way, had a good time in the Mission! Even got some authentic San Francisco prices.
Since SEK got so many good tips on his travel post, let me ask you all for some advice. Later this week, I have a 5 hour layover in San Francisco. After taking BART from the airport and needing to get back with enough time...