Source: The Kremlin I've got a newish, short piece up at the website for Exit from Hegemony. As is my wont, I'm cross-posting it here. In The National Interest, Richard Javad Heydarian writes that: For.
The idea of Putin as a master strategist, like a sock missing its match, keeps showing up now and again. Certainly, when compared to.
We need a formal name for the notion that, over time, Trump's behavior tends toward being indistinguishable from that of someone working on behalf of Moscow. It seems like more.
Natasha Bertrand has more on the fears of NATO allies about the upcoming summit and the Trump-Putin hobnob. After discussing Trump's latest tweet asserting.
If Carter Page's career weren't devoted to self-enrichment via deals with oligarchs and kleptocrats, I might feel some sympathy for him. After all, it seems like his every appearance in.
It's commonplace to remark on the irony that right-wing nationalism has gone increasingly transnational. But.
No, I'm absolutely not, as a friend recently called it, pulling a "Gorka" on Page. The abysmal quality of Gorka's dissertation was directly relevant to his claims of expertise and.
Stephanie Carvin tweeted her way through the transcripts of Carter Page's testimony. It was glorious. Oh boy. — Stephanie Carvin (@StephanieCarvin) November 7, 2017 I once had a conversation.