Professors and students at Southwestern University in Texas, where I taught for 3 years, have developed an interesting study that was recently presented at the American Sociological Association and covered by the Chronicle of Higher Education. They sought factors on college campuses that help lead...
Rule #1 of sports broadcasting--always, always, always compare a player to someone of the same racial background. At Baseball Prospectus (not sure how much of this you can see without.
I'm working on a chapter for an edited volume on the Tea Party. My essay seeks to place the Tea Party within the context of American conservatism over the past.
Yglesias notes that, for the first time in nearly a half century, an Ohio governor appointed an all-white cabinet. It should be unnecessary to point out that, in 2011, a governor of a state with around 1.3 million African American residents who appoints a cabinet...
Considering that two Jews from the Bronx, Bill Finger and Robert Kahn (Bob Kane) created Batman two Jews in Cleveland, Jerome Siegel and Joseph Shuster, created Superman a Jew from.