public sector unionism
When Scott Walker and the Wisconsin Republicans pushed through their draconian anti-public union law, one of the ways they succeeded is to cleave the police and firefighter unions off of.
Iowa is going full Wisconsin to destroy its public sector unions by outlawing most parts of collective bargaining. Cops excepted of course. "I think it’s an extremely bold proposal," said.
With Scalia dead, what does this mean for public sector unionism? A couple of takes from people smarter than I. First, Charlotte Garden: If Abood stands—either because of a 4-4.
No, of course not. But that's not going to stop some labor reporters from trying to make the case, as they usually do with anti-labor legislation or decisions. In this.
Not surprisingly, anti-union groups have responded to reasonable moderate Sam Alito's call for a good case to overturn the 1977 Abood decision that allows public sector unions to charge fees.
Illinois governor Bruce Rauner decided that since there was no way he could get a bill through a Democratic legislature that would effectively make Illinois public sector work right to.
Moshe Marvit with the next round of attacks on public sector unionism from the people who brought you Harris v. Quinn. Basically, they are going after the entire idea of.
Mostly, this is a good rundown of reactions to the Harris decision. In particular the piece by Eileen Boris and Jennifer Klein and the Joshua Freeman essay get at one.