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Smog Drones

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On March 8, 2014
I'm sure that dumping more chemicals in the air is the answer to the problem of Chinese smog: Government agencies are to test a new design of aerial drone to see whether it might help tackle the air pollution that often blankets much of the...

Making Poultry Producers Pay Up

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On February 9, 2014
Maryland legislators have introduced a bill to make the state's poultry producers pay a whole 5 cents a bird to protect the Chesapeake Bay watershed from runoff from these incredibly polluting facilities. Governor Carcetti O'Malley has backed away from such legislation in the past, afraid...

Oil Pipelines

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On January 16, 2014
It's possible that oil pipleines are a better way to transport the stuff than trains. But the wages of oil pipelines are severe. Ask the people of Mayflower, Arkansas, which suffered a pipeline rupture in town last year. For her entire life, 28-year old Genieve...


In General
On January 10, 2014
I now see why the Republicans passed the bill to gut Superfund. It's clearly unnecessary, what with a company actually named Freedom Industries taking care of the good people of West Virginia. Schools and restaurants closed, grocery stores sold out of bottled water, and state...


On November 16, 2013

This is not an acceptable decision from the EPA during a Democratic administration: Today, the Environmental Protection Agency allowed the Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection to change how toxic selenium.

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