On February 26, 1972, a Pittston Coal Company slurry dam collapsed in Logan County, West Virginia. The ensuing flood of coal slurry would kill 125 people and demonstrate once again.
As you recall, BP was responsible for a tiny little oil spill in 2010 called the Deepwater Horizon disaster. This only crushed tourism to New Orleans for several months, made.
If you wanted to develop a corporation that personified evil, you couldn't do better than Freedom Industries: Federal and state officials were scrambling today following the surprise disclosure on Tuesday.
The true meaning of freedom is Freedom Industries declaring bankruptcy immediately after its chemical spill made water unsafe for 300,000 West Virginia residents. Freedom owes $3.6 million to its top.
Sure am glad the relevant agencies declared West Virginia water safe now after the Freedom Industries chemical spill: “What we are seeing when we talk to our partners in hospital.
John Boehner gives his official approval to a regulatory regime that allows companies to cut off the water supply for 300,000 people. More on the lax regulations of West Virginia.
This is not an acceptable decision from the EPA during a Democratic administration: Today, the Environmental Protection Agency allowed the Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection to change how toxic selenium.
Were one to want to work a job where your life and safety are consistently in danger and where you can live with the constant threat of pollution, one could.