Clearly we should continue to allow private investors to determine the price of resources that the world needs to survive: It's probably not uncommon for City traders to wonder how they burnt so much cash during a drunken night on the town. But Steve Perkins...
I maintain that rising gas prices are the biggest threat to Obama's reelection. New polling by the Washington Post suggests this is probably correct. I do think that, no matter.
This is the fifth of an eight part series on the 2011 Patterson Summer Reading List. Paul Collier, The Plundered Planet Greg Mortenson, Stones into Schools Jason Stearns, Dancing in the.
Haven't been blogging on the spill, because I know next to nothing about deep sea oil drilling or cleanup. I do want to echo a bit what John Cole wrote here; the situation that we've produced for ourselves is one in which, unfortunately, we have...
I'm in the midst of Charles Tripp's excellent A History of Iraq, and I'm curious about the Russian interest in Persian Gulf stability during the war. The Soviets played footsie.