occupy wall street
A good Chris Fan piece at Hyphen asking a question that has plagued social movements for a long time--why do solidly progressive politicians end up siding with forces of order.
Rather than 2 discrete posts on OWS, it makes more sense to combine them. First, I really don't care whether OWS is losing popular support, as one poll suggests. While.
Speaking of protest marches, NPR has a good little piece on the Bonus Army, which occupied Washington, D.C. in the summer of 1932. These protestors had a very concrete goal--the.
So I saw this political ad yesterday while eating my morning bagel: This is produced by Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS, connecting Elizabeth Warren to the "extreme left protests" and "violence".
The great James McMurtry offers his song "We Can't Make It Here" as a free download in support of the Occupy movement. Says McMurtry: We quit playing "We Can't Make.
Yesterday, Occupy Oakland approved a motion for a general strike, to be called for November 2. I'm curious to see where this goes. General strikes have always had trouble gaining.