The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10cSpecial Comment - Keith Olbermann's Name-Callingwww.thedailyshow.comDaily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care CrisisHear, hear. About time the fake news outlets took.
I suppose it's nearly tautological to note that Jack Shafer's attempted defense of Mouthpiece Theater (or, at least, his argument that the Post should continue to waste its resources and.
I think this is the key part of Greenwald's post about Gregory replacing OberMatthews:Finally, and perhaps most notably of all, Olbermann's role as anchor somehow destroys the journalistic brand of.
Resistance is Futile.Yes this whole saga is super annoying, what with Chris Mortensen's hourly reports from his location inside Favre's ass, but I'm getting intrigued by the game theory aspects.My.
I can't say I'm sorry I missed this.
Like most of you I'm sure, my first reaction to this was "Tucker Carlson still has a show in MSNBC? Is Dennis Miller still there?" It is oddly reassuring, however,.