LGM film club
Watching Antonioni's Blow-Up continues two recent themes--checking off films I should have seen years ago and films from the counterculture era that are shockingly sexist. As a general rule, I.
I watched MASH the other night and it's interesting to compare it to The Graduate. The films both are huge male gaze activities, one more slapstick, the other supposedly more.
I was thinking of the Tesla "truck" thing and how that is the ugliest vehicle of all time. Then I looked up what were the ugliest cars of all time..
Let's move away from the feature films for a night to explore the 1917 short film How the Cowboy Makes His Lariat, which is actually kind of an interesting 3.
I am not sure I ever saw Empire Records when it came out in 1995. It was famous for its cover of Liv Tyler in her too short sweater exposing.
Criterion has recently added the films of the pioneering director Youssef Chahine and I've checked a couple of them out. The best I've seen so far is the 1958 film.
......I totally forgot about the debate when I initially scheduled it. I pulled it for a couple of hours. My apologies to all. I have become lazy as I've gotten.
I stopped my LGM Film Club series when I took a break from the site in August. Been meaning to bring it back, but haven't. Here's a good excuse to.