laws of war
Iain Ballantyne's new book Killing the Bismarck makes a rather controversial claim: As HMS Rodney, HMS King George V, and several attendant cruisers and destroying were pouring shells and torpedoes.
Lt. Gen. Michael Oates is worried that excessive adherence to war law might be undermining military effectiveness in Afghanistan: Commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan have been reluctant to launch more.
I鈥檝e been meaning to comment for awhile on the March/April print issue of Foreign Policy , and I finally got around to posting my observations at Current Intelligence. In brief,.
Amitai Etzioni, a law professor at George Washington University, has followed up the State Department's justification for drone attacks in Pakistan with an argument of his own, published in the.
I've been thinking this weekend about Gary Solis' WAPO op-ed of Friday about CIA drone pilots being unlawful combatants - unlike drone pilots serving in the US armed forces who.