law schools
The most arresting thesis in Brian Tamanaha's forthcoming book is captured by this quote: "Law schools have raised their tuition to obscene levels because they can." What he means is.
A particularly interesting section of Brian Tamanaha's forthcoming book details the many ways in which less well-off law students end up subsidizing the education and eventually the careers of their.
Via Paul Caron comes this article (free registration required), detailing the grotesque and amusing spectacle in Austin, where former dean of the law school Larry Sager got fired recently for.
A.E.S., a veteran attorney, responded to a question I asked regarding what if any advice should be given to prospective or current law students who ask for it: Prof. Campos,.
David Segal has written another interesting piece on the state of legal education, this time focusing on the business side of law schools. Much of the piece is taken up.
There's a good piece in the NYT this morning on how law schools hand out merit scholarships to significantly more students than will end up being able to retain them,.