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High Broderism

One place where you're particularly likely to see "but would he/she be fun to have a beer with?" standards applied is Supreme Court nomination hearings and the surrounding discourse. You may remember, for example, that Sam Alito's baseball-watching and nice family were not only supposed...

Whose Dream?

On February 17, 2010

Peter Beinart's reaction to Bayh's resignation is...odd:Obama’s general-election win in Indiana, along with his victories in North Carolina and Virginia, were central to his claim that he was transcending the.

Joementum 2: Electric Boogaloo

In Uncategorized
On February 15, 2010
Obviously, the idea that Evan Bayh has any chance of winning a national Democratic primary is funny stuff (or pathetic, when the person making the argument is actually paid to write about politics; it's funnier coming from hapless amateurs.) But I especially enjoyed this from...

The Dean Has A Crush!

On February 11, 2010

There has already been a lot of good commentary about the latest from Fred Hiatt's crayon scribbler emeritus. I think this the key part:Her lengthy Saturday night keynote address to.

Etiquette Lessons

On January 31, 2010

I'm still going to stick with my contention that the key variables in claiming that Obama's banal criticism of a Supreme Court opinion was somehow an "unprecedented" outrage are 1)President.


In General
On January 7, 2010
It's actually kind of impressive how many obvious errors of analysis Charles Lane packs into a few paragraphs here:I can't remember a more breathtaking 48 hours in politics since Barack Obama's election in November 2008. Byron Dorgan is out; Chris Dodd is out; Bill Ritter...

The Process Projection

On September 21, 2009

I obviously agree with Ed Kilgore's point that voting for cloture should be the minimal acceptable standard for being a Democratic caucus member in good standing, but I think this.


In Uncategorized
On September 9, 2009
Via Krugman (who does a good job of explaining why a reform bill should contain a public option), perhaps someone can make heads or tails of this Joe Klein argument, because I sure can't:I would be opposed to a system where every doctor and nurse...

Useful Idiot of the Day

On August 31, 2009

Saint Bradley. I'm not sure what's worse -- his apparently sincere belief that congressional Republicans are willing to make a deal on health care, or his apparently sincere belief that.

This Matters..How?

On July 31, 2009

The Broderite argument against politics in the United States Senate, at least when it comes to judicial confirmation hearings, has now been made by the man himself: Both these senators.

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