(Another one of those now-more-conveniently-located posts, only significantly longer than usual because I'm squeezing three episodes into one three hour course. So apologies for the length in advance.) One of the.
Kim Morgan has a list up of the top 10 old movies she saw for the first time in 2011. It's an interesting list. The only one I've seen is.
Probably the greatest Greek filmmaker ever has died, killed by a motorcycle on the set of his film-in-progress. Angelopoulos received a good bit of publicity in the U.S. during the.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has decided to place restrictions on documentaries up for the award. Any documentary must be reviewed in the New York Times or.
I have always wanted to like Catherine Breillat's films, but never have. I find her a cut-rate Eric Rohmer, trying and failing to equal Rohmer's dialogue about sex and love.
Last night I watched "Mesrine", the 4 hour film on the life of the notorious French gangster of the 60s and 70s, Jacques Mesrine. It was very good, but not.
There's a been a bit of buzz across the blogosphere in the last 24 hours supporting Hendrik Hertzberg's call for an Alexander Hamilton movie. Of all the Founders’ lives, Hamilton’s.
I've been making it through the many Looney Tunes collections over the past couple of years. Last night, I watched "I Love to Singa" for the first time in a.