Above: The New York Times' ideal of a labor market The labor market is very good for workers right now. Unemployment is down to 3.4 percent as of the latest.
Bryce Covert's work is always worth reading and that includes her new piece on the connections between long Covid and the tight labor market. One international online study of nearly.
This is just remarkable: The number of people quitting their jobs has surged to record highs, according to new data from the Department of Labor released Tuesday.Some 4.3 million people.
Building on yesterday's post about how despite the low unemployment numbers, people's lived economy is basically terrible, Jacob Hacker has a very useful op-ed in the Times on the same.
On December 14, 1945, the House passed what would become the Employment Act of 1946 once Harry Truman signed it. This was an important piece of legislation in moving the.
When your nation lacks a job policies to employ people where they live, it opens them up to making money off the worst of the United States: in this case.

I am going to have a bunch more points to make about full employment policy in the coming days and weeks. For right now, I want to build on Steve's.
I am now an official member of the Fake News Industry, as I have an op-ed in the New York Times arguing for a federal job guarantee. The potential is.