electoral college
There is no legitimate way to defend the Electoral College in a democratic nation. This is why the conservatives who know they have gamed the system since 1787 instantly move.
This is something many of you already know, but Paul LePage just comes right out and says it, in case anyone was still hemming or hawing about it, talking about.
That title suggests a high bar. As you might expect though, an essay in The Federalist is going to be able to clear it. And here we have this pablum.
I do not per se approve of Lessig's argument that the Electoral College should vote for Hillary Clinton based upon the combination of Hillary Clinton's large margin in the popular.
While I can't speak specifically for my seven colleagues, I will anyway: I sense that the official LGM position on the Electoral College is "it sucks". Yet we're also a.
So states the (Republican) Speaker of the Florida State House, coming out in opposition to the RNC's strategy of assigning Electoral College votes by Congressional district in Blue / Red.