Who else is excited to have your workplace performance monitored by drones? I know I am shocked to see technological advancement embraced by employers to control workers!
Will it take a plane crash that kills 200 people to lead to a crackdown against privately owned drones? Or are drones the new gun, with their use "personal freedom".
Tom Tomorrow updates Schoolhouse Rock for Obama's extrajudicial targeted assassination era.
Like Ta-Nehisi Coates and others, I am pretty disgusted that the Obama Administration has defined any male of military age killed by a drone bombing to be a combatant. This.
Juan Cole: Well, I hate those US drones when used for purposes of warfare. But here is a Gandhian use for them. Let us defy the Syrian regime’s misuse of.
Last week I blogged heads with Sam Roggeveen of the Lowy Institute: Tragically, we failed to have a forward looking conversation about a post-Kim Jong Il North Korea. However, last.
My column this week at WPR thinks through the politics and precedents of Predators: Arms races don't just "happen" because of outside technological developments. Rather, they are embedded in political.
So I'm having trouble reconciling this Ben Wittes: Finally, Spencer might be suggesting that the government should at least be accountable to the public for such a targeting–that is, that.