dick cheney
Lithwick reads Cheney so you don't have to.
"Mad" Matt Duss has exactly the kind of Nation article that I most enjoy; one that quotes me at length: Given Liz's status as a conservative scion, it's fitting that.
This is clever.
It's what Dick Cheney is made of. Well, that and undiluted 175 proof evil. Deep thought: I'm also really anxious to know what Dan Quayle thinks of the value of.
In a truly just world, Dick Cheney would be stuffing envelopes at home for a living, or perhaps sorting plastic at a recycling center somewhere. And yet here he is,.
The Dark Lord speaketh:SCHIEFFER: Wouldn't it have been better, on reflection, to have a better and larger force [going into Iraq]?DICK: Well, um, we could debate that forever and we.
This morning, Vice President Cheney suffered an irregular heartbeat for the second time since 2007. No serious worries; a little shock, and apparently he'll be fine. The interesting bit of.