This is the grave of William Eaton. Born in Tolland, Connecticut in 1816, Eaton grew up there and went into business. He moved to South Carolina for awhile for business.
There is a bill before the Connecticut state legislature for the state to ratify the Child Labor Amendment. As this is something I have advocated for over a long period.
With house prices skyrocketing, the need for affordable housing is greater than ever. The Biden administration is aware of these issues and making early steps toward moving in the right.
Upon reading this, you might think it's nice that a son is helping his father doing his construction labor over the summer. But then you realize that this sort of.
I always thought Connecticut governor Dannel Malloy was pretty decent, but this attack on the faculty union at Connecticut State University is pretty disturbing. “In a stark reminder that action.
Above: Strikers in Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1949 While right-wing states are freaking out about the new AP standards (never mind that this year's AP US History DBQ was on the rise.