cold war
The story about this fully equipped 1961 nuclear fallout shelter is kind of awesome. But I have to ask, if you were in a bomb shelter suffering from a nuclear.
1950's "How to Lose What We Have" is first-rate capitalist propaganda precisely because it lacks anything even remotely approaching subtlety, unless you count its conflation of the New Deal with.
My latest at the Diplomat talks a bit more about Nate Jones' work at National Security Archive: Like in the United States, the political and military elite of the Soviet.
National Security Archive has put together an interesting collection of material on the 1983 Able Archer exercise, which freaked the Russians out. "Do you think Soviet leaders really fear us,.
Maybe some of you have heard about this before, but I just found out this week that It's a Wonderful Life was communist propaganda. Communist stooge begs before capitalist hero.
This is a fun little account of the origins of one of my favorite Tom Clancy sequences; the attack on the USS Nimitz in Red Storm Rising: The level of.
Every election cycle brings back the fetishizing of the increasingly non-existent family farm. When combined with the Republican ardor for bombing brown people who could potentially have weapons of mass.
The other day, I watched the documentary Sputnik Mania. It was an interesting piece about the impact of Sputnik and how it moved the U.S. and USSR closer to a.