campaign finance

Cesare Maccari [Public domain] In this 2007 book, Halting State, Charles Stross describes a near future in which the internet makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for ordinary people.
This makes a lot of sense. Even while having to play by the rules as currently defined, Hillary Clinton should be running hard on campaign finance. Her stated positions on.
Citizens United and the rise of super PACs have galvanized our attention on how all this conservative money will affect the presidential race. But the real impact is on Congressional.
Lithwick with more on the case that, if the oral argument in any indication, will be the worst Roberts Court atrocity since the Chief's sneering, ahistorical arguments that the 14th.
This seems like an appropriate solution to Supreme Court decisions preventing restrictions on judicial fundraising: New York’s top court officials will bar the state’s hundreds of elected judges from hearing.
Shorter Jeffrey Rosen: I am beginning to have serious questions about the existence of Santa Claus.While I can't resist making fun of Rosen's belated recognition of the obvious, he does.
In response to Jeff Rosen's recent argument that Elena Kagan blew it at the recent oral arguments on a campaign finance case, Yglesias argues that oral arguments at the Supreme.