A waiter sets up a table in the outdoor dining area on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020, in which Gov. Gavin Newsom, who later called it a "bad mistake," attended a.
We need some good news. This is some. For the first time in over 100 years, a gray wolf has been spotted in Giant Sequoia National Monument in southern California,.
Good stuff here: Labor groups and fast-food companies in California reached an agreement over the weekend that will pave the way for workers in the industry to receive a minimum.
One of the top legislative goals for labor intellectuals and radicals (more so than I think for actual labor leaders) has been to get strikers eligible for unemployment benefits. This.
Mexicans Migrants on the road with tire trouble (California, 1936).Photo by Dorothea Lange for the U.S. Farm Security Administration
It's not really coincidental that so much of the actual violence over the so-called culture wars has taken place in the very liberal cities of the West Coast. As I.

Cesar Chavez, the head of the United Farm Workers Union, calls for the resignation of Walter Kintz, the first legal counsel for the state Agriculture Labor Relations Board, in Sacramento,.
Company housing for Mexican cotton pickers on a large ranch in Corcoran, California, 1940