The range of hagiography

In General
On June 11, 2004
Let's be frank, the Reagan worship is getting annoying. I know it'll run its course eventually, and I have to be patient. Last night I was at the gym, and Tim "I don't know when Gingrich took back Congress" Russert was blathering on about Reagan for...

Press the Meat

On June 11, 2004


The incomparable Bob Somerby notes many embarrassingly false and/or stupid comments from Tim Russert's appearance on Larry King this week, but I'd have to say that this is the best: RUSSERT: One.

In the classroom

On June 11, 2004


More or less, I'm with Rob. I make no general effort to hide my views and persuasions, although I try to avoid establishing myself as a representative of one particular.

Indoctrination Central

In Robert Farley
On June 10, 2004
Ben Shapiro wrote a book. The book says that liberals are bad, and are indoctrinating the youth of this country. Bill Buckley, David Horowitz, Dinesh D'Souza, John LeBoutillier, and others have written similar books ever since 1953. It's astonishing to me, with all this indoctrination going on,...

No Sale

On June 10, 2004


Maybe Matt Stoller has a point after all. The generally excellent Kevin Drum has a very strange post defending Reagan kicking off his campaign in Philadelphia, MS. As Drum half-concedes several times,.

Torture and the President

In Robert Farley
On June 10, 2004
Matthew Yglesias distills some of the discussion on the torture memo. Obviously, this is troubling for two reasons. First, the administration is apparently doing its darndest to figure out how to legally torture people. Just handing suspects over to authoritarian regimes like we've been doing apparently isn't...


On June 9, 2004


Jesse Taylor links to Bill O'Reilly's interview of Ann Coulter. I actually read it, exposing myself to Coulter's drivel for the first time in years. It reads like a parody of RNC spin; even.

Libertarians Are Insane

In General
On June 9, 2004
Well, not really. Not all of them. Not all the time. I refer to recent flare-up of a discussion about the positive/negative rights distinction. This was started by the esteemed Professor Volokh (who, unlike some of his co-bloggers, is far too sophisticated and non-dogmatic to be...

Law v. Partisan Hackdom

On June 9, 2004


In late 2003, the Colorado Supreme Court struck down the partisan redistricting passed by the Republican legislature, as this redistricting plainly violated the state constitution's mandate that redistricting be performed.

The Final Word

On June 8, 2004


Jesse Taylor on Christopher Snitchens: Chris Hitchens isn't a useful idiot - he's a useful asshole. He fills a slightly brainier niche than Dennis Miller does, although he's featured the same.

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