Well, I just had my first blogger-eaten post. Dammit. 20 minutes I'll never get back. Here's the thrust of it: Atrios is right (as usual). The obsessive handwringing about VP selections.
A new low from Zell Miller "Democrat" Mickey Kaus. The good news is that Count Hackula expressed a progressive political sentiment for the first time since the Nixon Administration. The bad news is that he uses transparently fake anti-misogyny.
The Hardball Times evaluates the "Productive Outs" stat now being used by ESPN--expect to get the hard sell from your local broadcaster soon. Anyway, a team's tendency to make "productive.
I don't have much to add to the Poor Man on North Korea, or to Matt Yglesias on Sadr. I'd just like to reiterate how happy I am that the grown ups.
As a follow-up to Rob's post about Iraq as a libertarian paradise, check out this post by Cass Sunstein over at Volokh, which reminds us that we used to have people.
Via Juan Cole, it's clear that someone gets it: In a speech Tuesday at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Kennedy, D-Mass., said North Korea and Iran have continued unchecked with.
Jack Balkin, in a must-read post, provides another reason to be skeptical about Jon Chait's claim that the 2004 election won't be important. Balkin notes the potentially disastrous consequences of.
William Saletan makes a feeble attempt to defend the worthless "Kerryisms" column. I particularly like this bit of disingenuousness: Another blogger, Eugene Volokh, gets the joke and doesn't like it. "Another possibility.
- Just Say Yes to Prevailing Wage Rates
- Tito Jackson, RIP
- Kamala Harris Gets It
- LGM Podcast: The Downballot
- The Present and Future of the Defense Budget
- For what it’s worth
- Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,705
- The Inevitable Wage of Neoliberalism
- Will no one rid me of these meddlesome Democrats
- Trumpism without Trump