The war's most enduring organ-grinder is gettin' his Friedman on today, declaring once again that Bush's war has reached a turning point, and that Americans are slowly -- to the chagrin of the New York Times -- awakening to the Good News. Steve Bennen gives...
Above: Bill Kistol prepares to write today's WaPo editorial, which forever propels the achievement of "dead-end, self-refuting hackery" beyond the reach of mere mortals. Behold:Let's step back from the unnecessary.
The latest from one of the guys McCain consults:What's more, Bush won't be able to "stay out of it." Others will continue to place his White House at the very.
Bill Kristol asks a bunch of stupid questions:Enlighten us, Arianna. Poll your readers. Ask them: Are they pleased that the attempt against Vice President Cheney failed? Are they grateful that he is alive and well? Do you hope the U.S. prevails in Afghanistan? In Iraq?OK,...
(The people who did this are very worried)I'd rather not bother to explain why I was watching Fox News at the gym this afternoon during the first quarter of the.