Bleh.It's too much money, not that it matters to the Yankees. Damon has been a plus defender in centerfield, although there are some signs of decline. Offensively, he was worse.
Eric Muller has an interesting finding with respect to Concerned Alumni for Princeton, the group whose concern was that women and minorities would ruin campus life and make it harder.
Like Roy, I had an uneventful day today, but I will be venturing into Manhattan tomorrow, and will also have to go in Friday because my parents are in town..
Predictably, Glenn Reynolds jumps on the silly and utterly beside-the-point "but Bill Clinton did it!" bandwagon with both feet, while equally predictably being dishonest enough to conflate the crucial difference.
The latest straw being grasped at by those who seek to defend the legality of the illegal will be one of the most pathetic moves in the wingnut playbook: "Bill.
I had no idea this study has had such a long life in the blogosphere. The Continental Op, after following up on my post yesterday, read the paper (Prof. Groseclose.
The attempt by the Dover School Board to force their biology teachers to teach religion rather than science has been ruled unconstitutional. It's always nice to see that there are.
Don't believe me about whether FISA authorizes warrantless wiretaps? Well, you may want to ask our famously libertarian attorney general what he thinks:"Now, in terms of legal authorities, the Foreign.