Author: Paul Campos
I haven't developed any strong feelings about Obama's VP choice, but I sort of like this guy's style.It would have been better if he had pointed out McCain's idea of.
One way of sorting out peoples' politics of law is to ask them if they find Harry Blackmun's opinion for the Court in Roe v. Wade or Flood v. Kuhn.
Cheap Abe Simpson humor aside, one issue that the media seem to be treating with extreme delicacy so far is McCain's age. It of course is a legitimate concern, given.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a presidential candidate's list of top ten favorite songs, published in a magazine aimed at self-identified young urban hipsters, will be an essentially.
I recently saw Eric Steel's 2006 documentary film The Bridge, about people who commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Steel got permission from local authorities to set.
My friend Steve is an atmospheric scientist and a hardcore baseball fan. He's devised an ingenious simulation, in which he predicts the probable outcome of the remainder of a baseball.
. . . donate Adam Dunn to Arizona for a petrified starfish and two pre-owned copies of The Transformed Man.Dunn is a free agent in six weeks, so if the.
My guess would be . . . Munich, 1938!What do I win?BTW it would be difficult to top this phrase for some sort of Neo-Con Unselfconscious Irony Award: "Fanatics aren’t.