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Author: djw


Election of the Day 2: Switzerland

In General
On October 22, 2023
Argentina isn't the only country with an election today that is likely to see the government shift to the right, although that prospect in Switzerland is considerably less alarming. Switzerland held legislative elections today, and results will soon start trickling in. (I didn't realize the...

Elections of the weekend

In General
On October 15, 2023
Travelling and otherwise engaged the last few days, I have been delinquent in preparing my election coverage. What's going on this weekend? First, New Zealand, yesterday. The outcome was expected but deeply unfortunate. New Zealand’s next prime minister will be Christopher Luxon, a former chief...

Vos retreats

On October 12, 2023

Lehnmat, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons If you've been paying attention to the various public statements (and the conspicuously empty space where certain public statements should have been,.

Today, the citizens of Juneau, Alaska will participate in an election for a number of local offices. There are two openings on the school board, and two of the three candidates on the ballot today will be elected to three year terms on the board....

Election of the day: Slovakia

On September 30, 2023

Today, Slovakia will elect a new parliament. The government that emerged from the 2020 election had been a cobbled-together coalition led by the somewhat incoherent disorganized conservative populist party OL'aNO,.


Election of the Day: Madeira

In General
On September 24, 2023
Normally, I strive to post about any national election, only covering local and regional elections if there is some particular noteworthy significance. However, a reader emailed to request a thread about today's election in one of Portugal's two autonomous regions, Madeira. I was happy to...

Coup in Gabon?

On August 30, 2023

I haven't been doing follow-ups to my election posts, but the news this morning out of Gabon compels a brief one. Ali Bongo was announced the winner (by a margin,.

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