Author: Dave Brockington
This election has caught everybody off guard, including the pollsters. The polling houses hadn't yet decided on a common approach in response to the wreckage of the 2015 General Election..
(Drake Ward canvass team, Plymouth Sutton & Devonport constituency, 30 May 2017. Selfie credit: Cllr. Chaz Singh) Theresa May demonstrated a trademark lack of consideration in the timing of the.
This is daunting. Daunting not only because I’ve been pondering how one writes about someone as talented as SEK, someone who had an inimitable ability to see the world from.
I made the mistake of posting about my recent media appearances on facebook two days ago, which caught the attention of management here at LGM. It was sternly demanded.
I've been trying to make some sort of rational sense of this all morning. There are two rough theories which work together. First, given the tone of her speech last.
Hah. Who am I kidding? The Labour Party National Executive Committee, a relative obscure body to most until yesterday, voted 18-14 following a six hour meeting last night to allow.
As Andrea Leadsom has just withdrawn from the race to be Conservative Party leader: Andrea Leadsom says her backing from MPs is not "sufficient support to lead a strong and stable government".
"Chilcot says there was no need to go to war in March 2003." And . . . "Blair “overestimated his ability” to influence US decisions on Iraq." "the inquiry does.