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We’d like to know a little bit about you for our files


The Mark Robinson story just dropped, raising existential questions of what exactly it means to be “unqualified” in a party that is a Donald Trump personality cult. Clearly, Republicans wanted this story to come out before the ballot deadline to try to force Robinson out, but I’m inclined to agree that it’s not likely to work:

Expressing admiration for Hitler obviously should be disqualifying but this aspect of Robinson’s character is already not only known but more a feature than a bug to North Carolina Republicans, and pushing him out for this is a particularly tough sell when the top of the ticket is doing a kristallnacht over imaginary stories of immigrants eating pets. Hypocrisy charges are an even bigger non-starter even before we get to the obvious fact that if jerking it to people whose civil rights you oppose was disqualifying for a Republican candidate Democrats would essentially run unopposed everywhere. If he was telling the truth spying in women’s locker rooms would be disqualifying but…again, Trump doesn’t really have standing here. The free ride when you’ve already paid is that the factors that allowed Robinson to easily win the nomination makes it hard to get rid of him, even when he’s putting the Electoral College at risk for Trump.

We’ll see how this plays out but there’s no good political outcome for Republicans here and it’s entirely of their own doing.

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