Leave smol bean reporters for small regional newspapers alone

Here is some classic bothsidesing of Biden being consistently committed to a popular position on abortion and Trump trying to dissemble about his highly unpopular position on abortion:
Christ they’re so bad. Friend of mine and I were doing joke NYT headlines a couple days ago and I don’t really know how to top this. pic.twitter.com/BkFeeEjRW5— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) April 11, 2024
But at least the journalists responsible are open to criticism:
Imagine how things might be different if Jonathan and other national political reporters took their jobs and responsibilities seriously. pic.twitter.com/oXliKtUrPp— Josh (@JoshGreenberg27) April 11, 2024
Always weird (and obnoxious) for media figures to dismiss media criticism by claiming it’s not a problem because journalism is worthless, words are meaningless, and which information people do and don’t see or hear, how they get the info, and how it’s framed don’t matter at all. https://t.co/STmQU6keaX— Nicholas Grossman (@NGrossman81) April 11, 2024
Few things are more annoying than the two step between “Democracy dies in darkness!” and “nothing political reporters write has any influence on anything whatsoever.” If you are an elite reporter and believe the latter, I would suggest resigning so that one of the many talented journalists who actually give a shit can do the job instead.