Lock ’em up!

Ye Jinghan – Unsplash

The NRA’s next non-solution to gun violence? More involuntary commitments.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s administration accused the National Rifle Association of wanting to use involuntary commitment laws “to round up mentally ill people and deprive them of other liberties,” according to documents drafted by the Republican’s staffers as part of their initial attempt to pass a gun control proposal earlier this year.
“Not only is the NRA’s proposal impractical — it would drastically expand the scope of government,” one of the memos reads.

Of course the violent assholes who stand around screaming about freedoom want to make it easier for states to violate citizens’ 14th Amendment rights in order to protect their 2nd Amendment rights. Especially when they could use the threat of involuntary commitment to encourage more gun sales.

The worst case scenario for the NRA is an increase in involuntary commitments doesn’t make a difference in the number of mass murders, but they can shrug and blame the state for not having the murderer under lock and key. (Whether the murderer had ever shown any signs of any mental illness, much less one that warranted involuntary commitment will be irrelevant.)

Best case scenario, Republican-dominated states have another way to claim persecution of marginalized people is a matter of public safety. Cisgender men who harass women they wants to date and assault the ones they do date? Not a problem, they’re just being real men. (And if you try to stop them, they’ll be forced to lash out in self-defense of their manlitude.) Transgender women having debilitating anxiety attacks because they live in a state that wants to eradicate them? Oo. Scary.

Also, all of these scary others being locked away would be more proof that Real Americans need to buy more guns.

I’m just surprised that Lee appears to be against it.

People who post off-topic comments love the smell of Wayne LaPierre’s butt crack.

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