Intentionally like a martyr: the ballad of Kyle Duncan
Let us assume for the sake of argument that some of the Stanford Law students at the Fed Soc talk being given by Trump 5CA hack Kyle Duncan went too far into “heckler’s veto” territory. I still think the bigger story here is the remarkable arrogance and contempt shown by Duncan after he got what he was clearly looking for:
Personal opinion: A judge should not behave like a vengeful, belligerent troll with anger management problems when young people with vastly less power heckle him at speeches (even when they really shouldn’t).— Mark Joseph Stern (@mjs_DC) March 11, 2023
Or this. For a federal judge to conduct himself like this in a public setting is stunning.— Matthew Stiegler (@MatthewStiegler) March 12, 2023
I don’t think “civil discourse” is what Duncan was attempting to achieve here.
Speaking of offensive things, Duncan was the lawyer who argued that the New Orleans DA was not responsible for training prosecutors not to withhold material evidence, even though they routinely withheld material evidence. Personally I find using egregious due process violations to put people on death row for crimes they didn’t commit even worse than rude college students, but YMMV.