Run, Kari, Run!

As a lib, I want to make it very clear than nothing would own me like Arizona Republicans nominating Kari “black helicopters over Maricopa County” Lake again:
Former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is inching closer to deciding to run for Senate, and her expected candidacy has frozen the Republican field in the state as other Senate hopefuls wait for her decision.
Lake, a former local television anchor who falsely claims that she won her 2022 race for Arizona governor, is consideredthe most formidable opponent in a Republican primary, and at least three Republican candidates also sizing up the race are waiting for her to make a decision before they decide to run, according to three people familiar with the situation who, like others in this story, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the race candidly.
Lakeis eyeing a June timeline for announcing her plans, a person familiar with her thinking told The Post last week.
She enjoys the highest favorability ratings among Republican primary voters of five potential GOP candidates, followed by former GOP Senate candidate Blake Masters, accordingto a private poll, portions of which were obtained by The Washington Post, that is viewed by Republican strategistsas an accurate snapshot of the mood of the GOP electorate.Both candidates were endorsed by former president Donald Trump in their earlier bids.
And if this doesn’t work out, Martha McSally and Blake Masters are resting in a custom-designed cryogenic chamber at Peter Thiel Laboratories. It’s a deep bench!