Vox populi, Vox dei

Elon did a poll about his decision to suspend journalists for the crime of critiquing him persuasively, and because he didn’t like the results he decided to do another one:
If he loses again, I’m sure he will come up with something else. But no matter what it will definitely state a reason for banning these journalists that is an absolute bald-faced lie just like this one. I feel sorry for whoever is in charge of changing his diapers.
Elsewhere among Free Speech Absolutists who think that Twitter’s marginal content moderation choices are perhaps the signal issue of our time, as of this writing:
- Matt Taibbi has not tweeted at all.
- Weiss’s most recent tweet is a link to a puff piece at her new nepotism blog about Elon and the TWITTER FILES, once again asserting a liberal bias on the part of Twitter’s previous management she has no actual evidence to support.
- Glenn Greenwald is on an epic streak of Whataboutism, false equivalency, and “your side’s hypothetical bad conduct excuses my side’s actual bad conduct.”
It’s hard out there for a hack who loves fascist billionaires.