LGM bully pulpit achieves total victory against the forces of darkness

Two days ago, LGM and its commentariat forcefully demanded an immediate end to semi-annual clock manipulation, and all its works, and all its pomps.
So it came to pass that this very afternoon the United States Senate voted unanimously — you’re reading that right, UNANIMOUSLY — to vanquish our twice a year ritual of stumbling forward and then falling back and hitting our heads, rendering us for at least a few seconds only somewhat more cogent than Lauren Boebert and Herschel Walker (think about it).
The U.S. Senate voted unanimously on Tuesday to make Daylight Savings Time permanent, a move supporters say would make winter afternoons brighter and end the twice changing of clocks.
The measure still needs approval from the U.S. House of Representatives and the backing of President Joe Biden. On Sunday, most of the United States resumed Daylight Savings Time, moving ahead one hour. The United States will resume standard time in November 2022.
I like the journalistic touch of bothsiding the issue of whether permanent DST would make winter afternoons brighter, and end the twice changing of clocks. Teach the controversy!
Look, I realize a lot of you wanted to keep standard time all the time (Almost literally no one in the several hundred comment thread linked above was in favor of the status quo of switching back and forth). I understand a lot of people are morning people. I’m a morning person myself — any AM that I sleep in until 6 is a good night’s sleep for sure.
But . .. while dark winter mornings are unpleasant, we can all wait for the light, like Maureen McGovern in The Poseidon Adventure. (Remember how in the 1970s it became a thing to have this massive ensemble cast of famous and semi-famous actors gather together in some dire plot situation? Disaster movies . . . what was that all about? I’m sure there must be a Ph.D. dissertation or three on the sociological significance of the genre).
So let us rejoice, and sing, and dance, and ring in the new:
Hail Daylight Savings Time!